
bool fm_set_result ( string $type, mixed $value )



Allows you to set the result to be returned to FileMaker. The value will be converted to the FileMaker type that you specify. This allows you to return typed values including containers.



type (required)
One of the following FileMaker types: Text, Number, Date, Time, Timestamp, Container.

value (required)
The value to be returned, must be one of the supported types: bool, int, double, string, array (for containers).



Returns true if the result is set or false if the type is invalid or the value is not one of the supported types.



There are no errors for this function but note that fm_get_last_error will return “106 Invalid parameter” if type is invalid or the value is not one of the supported types.


Example 1 -
// Todo

Change Log

3.0.0New function – allows you to return typed values to FileMaker including containers.