
mixed fm_save_file ( string $message [, string $default_file_name [, string $initial_folder_path ]] )



Allows you to present a dialog asking the user to select the location and file name for a file to be saved to disk. 



message (required)

The message to be displayed in the dialog.

default_file_name (optional)

The default file name to be entered in the file name field. This can be changed by the user if they want to enter a different file name.

initial_folder_path (optional)

The starting folder for the dialog.



Returns the path to the saved file or false if the user cancels.



315 Function not supported on server


Example 1 - Prompt the user to save a report
$path = fm_save_file('Where would you like to save the report?', 'Report.html', FM_DESKTOP_PATH);
echo $path;
Returns: /Users/Scodigo/Desktop/Report.html

Change Log

3.0.0Function now returns error 315 when executed on FileMaker Server.