
bool fm_close_progress_bar ( string $progress_bar_name )



Allows you to close a progress bar. If the progress bar is a parent, the dialog will be closed. If the progress bar is a child, it will be removed from the parent but the parent and any sibling progress bars will remain open.



progress_bar_name (required)
The name of the progress bar to close.



Returns true if the progress bar was closed or false if the progress bar doesn’t exist.



315 Function not supported on server
904 Progress bar doesn’t exist


Example 1 - Display a progress bar with 10 steps
$name = 'Test';
$steps = 10;
$message = 'Testing, one moment please...';
$left = 25;
$top = 50;
$enableCancelButton = true;
$cancelButtonLabel = 'Stop';
fm_new_progress_bar($name, $steps, $message, $left, $top, $enableCancelButton, $cancelButtonLabel);
for ($i = 0; $i < $steps ; $i++) {
   sleep(1); // this is where you would do your processing
   fm_update_progress_bar($name, 1, $message . " step " . ($i + 1));
   if (fm_user_cancelled() === true) break;
// Make sure to close the progress bar.



Change Log

3.0.0Added support for closing child progress bars.